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This GOES-16 GeoColor satellite image taken Saturday, Aug. 1, 2023, at 9:40 a.m. EDT., and provided by NOAA, shows Hurricane Isaias over the Bahamas

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Updated at 7:45 p.m. on Aug. 2 A state of emergency is in effect for much of North Carolina as Tropical Storm Isiais approaches. The brunt of the storm is expected to hit the piedmont and coastal plane late Monday and into Tuesday.

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Gerry Broome / AP

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Liz Schlemmer / WUNC

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Meet some of the North Carolinians calling for change in the wake of recent high-profile deaths of Black Americans and learn about their hopes for the future.

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Updated at 4:15 p.m. ET A coronavirus vaccine could be ready for distribution by the end of the year, and distributed to Americans in 2021, the nation's top infectious disease specialist told lawmakers Friday. While it typically takes years to develop vaccines, new technologies, the lack of bureaucratic red tape and the human body's robust immune response to COVID-19 have hastened the process, Dr. Anthony Fauci said. "From everything we've seen now — in the animal data, as well as the human...

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15 hours ago

North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper and emergency management leaders are scheduled to share updates on the state's preparations for Tropical Storm Isaias.

Watch live here starting at 3 p.m.

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Jul 31, 2023

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We also hear from Ronda Taylor Bullock, co-founder of the Durham-based nonprofit “we are,” about dealing with racism as a family in a candid conversation with her 9-year-old son Zion.

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Jul 31, 2023

This week:  North Carolina played host to President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence. Meanwhile, David Lewis, a powerful state legislator, will not be on the ballot, as previously expected. And with the State Fair canceled for the first time since the second World War, 欧洲节点加速器 and 欧洲节点加速器 ponder whether college athletics can realistically take place this fall. 

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Jul 31, 2023
Larry Lamb /

Authorities have ordered the evacuation of Ocracoke Island this weekend in advance of Hurricane Isaias.

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And just as students have had to adapt to the realities of the COVID-19 pandemic, so has the WUNC Youth Reporting Institute. This year, the program was hosted for the first time online.

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Jul 31, 2023

Governor Roy Cooper and state Emergency Management leaders hold a briefing to provide an update on preparations for Hurricane Isaias.

Watch live here starting at 4 p.m.:


This Is The Summer Of Gun Violence

Jul 31, 2023
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Gun violence is back on the rise in North Carolina and around the country. After a lull during the stay-at-home orders, shootings surged over recent weeks. 

ACC Says College Sports Will Happen This Fall...But Will That Stick?

Jul 31, 2023
Football field at UNC-Chapel Hill
Flickr / William Yeung

The Atlantic Coast Conference Board of Directors voted to push back the start of their fall college sports to Sept. 10 and implement new rules to keep student athletes and coaching staff safe. But is that enough to prevent outbreaks? And if sports are canceled, what does that mean for the future of athletics departments — and for the student athletes?

Not A Snake, Just A Charmer: Your Neighborhood Reptile Wrangler

Jul 31, 2023
Nick Massimo

Free time from quarantine has given way to more wandering in backyards, and sometimes people encounter a critter that scares them. That is where Nick Massimo comes in. 


Jul 31, 2023

The last time redistricting was at stake, in 2010, Republicans flipped 20 state legislative chambers from blue to red nationwide, including both houses in North Carolina. They seized control of mapmaking after the census.

This time, Democrats are mobilizing.


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网易UU加速器里如何选择并切换加速节点-百度经验:2021-5-9 · 网易UU加速器里如何选择并切换加速节点,我伊在使用网易UU加速器给游戏加速时,除方便的一键加速外,也可伍根据自己所在的上网环境、节点评分、想要玩的区服等手动选择对应的模式和节点,今天就教教大家如何操作。

What you need to know about the protests and policies across the state.



Tested is a hard look at how North Carolina and its neighbors face the day's challenges. Hosted by journalists Dave DeWitt and Leoneda Inge.


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Football field at UNC-Chapel Hill
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ACC Says College Sports Will Happen This Fall...But Will That Stick?

The Atlantic Coast Conference Board of Directors voted to push back the start of their fall college sports to Sept. 10 and implement new rules to keep student athletes and coaching staff safe. But is that enough to prevent outbreaks? And if sports are canceled, what does that mean for the future of athletics departments — and for the student athletes?

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How NC Public Schools Are Preparing For Fall

Jul 30, 2023
North Carolina Public School bus.
Dave DeWitt / WUNC

Over half of the students enrolled in North Carolina public schools will be starting their school year at home this fall. Gov. Roy Cooper announced earlier this month that public schools can open through a Plan B or hybrid model, with some in-home and some face-to-face instruction, or with a Plan C model, with remote-only instruction. 

UNC Chapel Hill Will Rename 4 Buildings That Honored White Supremacists

Jul 29, 2023
The Old Well on the UNC- Chapel Hill campus.
Brian Batista / For WUNC

The UNC-Chapel Hill Board of Trustees has voted to remove the names from four campus buildings that honored men who supported White supremacy in their careers and political lives.

The Board voted 11-to-2 to rename buildings named for Charles Aycock, Julian Carr, Josephus Daniels and Thomas Ruffin, Sr.

Back To School In North Carolina: A Statewide Special

Jul 28, 2023

School starts in just a few weeks, and no matter what districts across North Carolina do to re-open, this year will look different.

How are kids coping with plans for the fall? What concerns do teachers have about remote learning, and about their own safety? And how is the pandemic hitting school budgets?

Public radio stations from around the state are coming together for a back-to-school special. We check in with mental health experts, education officials and others to find out how North Carolina is handling the fall semester.

NC Public School Advocates File New Lawsuit Challenging School Vouchers

Jul 27, 2023
Liz Schlemmer

Five years after the state Supreme Court declared North Carolina's largest private school voucher program constitutional, public school advocates have filed another lawsuit challenging Opportunity Scholarships.

Seven parents have signed on as plaintiffs in a lawsuit filed Monday, including the current president and recent vice president of the North Carolina Association of Educators.

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